
Tightrope- Yeasayer

I spent the weekend researching schools and programs and was completely overwhelmed...so overwhelmed that I was forced to go out and buy myself a cheap bottle of wine and smoke some herb.  It helped- as it always does.  I'm also on day 7 of not smoking, which is going really well, but making me a little irritable.  After getting a nice buzz on, I started a few new pieces for Peter's gallery opening show in Tempe (they're going to be very cool- I'm excited about them).  I'm also very excited about the programs I've decided on:

U of Denver
Florida State (Florida?)
American U
Boston U
U of Minnesota

They're kind of schizophrenic choices, but the programs are all very interesting and practical.

In all honesty, this has been the stupidest year of my life.  I hate saying that, but it really has.  But, I finally feel like I'm back on course and things are going really well for me.  I'm feeling great and in control.  Go LB!

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