
Haiku Maddness

During a delirious day sitting and doing absolutely nothing in my apartment, I thought it a good time to begin my poetry career.

Still air and sweat beads
Dripping down with no end in sight
Nothing can be done

He whispers to me
After hours of hot sex
"I need the river."

Sidebar: check out above photo.  Really?  The river?

Maybe it's horse shit
rotting trash, ripe human, dogs?

It's not from vodka
A hangover lasting years
She's in denial

No water today
No kalonka* to blow up
Dirty with eyebrows
*my kalonka is my hot water heater that often blows up.  It's as scary as it sounds

Feet full of blisters
Dirt fills my nail beds, still
better than the rest

Never-ending line
Finally I reach the front
15-minute break

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