It's not even that I necessarily believe in reincarnation. But I definitely believe in the exchange of energy that takes place between things.
I have an intense spiritual association to fish. I love to surround myself with images of fish. I have fish jewelry (you all know m
y fish pendant), paint fish, have always had a pet fish, gravitate towards Pisces, and love coastal areas more than anything. I have this connection that lies somewhere inside of me. There's a serenity to them. *I've always thought that this is the reason I don't eat fish. I'm not a cannibal.

This being said, I've never actually thought or explored the deeper significance behind this penchant. Here's my first attempt.
I'm a real Aquarian, through and through. I am the water bearer. Water is an archetype of the unknown, the depths of knowledge, and the subconscious. And from this water springs life. I mean, it is where we all started millions of years ago. What is more associated with water than fish?- which have traditionally been representativ
e of fertility, eternity, creativity, femininity, good luck, happiness, knowledge, and transformation.
There isn't one of those words that I don't consider a major part of my personal values and hold to some sort of esteem. In particular, I've always had a connection with knowledge and transformation. I believe knowledge to be the solution to most of the problems in this ever-unsympathetic world. Once we have the understanding of where people come from, what their words mean, why the act as they do, things usually become more clear.
Transformation: I was talking with my friend Abbey last night and she reminded me of something I said to her years ago- a sort of mantra that she lives by. I vaguely remember saying this particular thing to her, but for some reason I think she believed it more then than I did, even as the words were coming out of my mouth. I told her, "you need to prune in order to grow". It's like a houseplant. A houseplant will cease to grow new appendages (not the right word, but you get what I mean) if you don't prune its leaves. One needs to shred the things holding them back in order to transform and blossom- to progress. This is a beautiful thing. This is an idea I hold close to my heart and try to always live by. In fact, this is probably why I live- to grow into a better and better person. I always make an earnest attempt at ridding my life of things that aren't working- sometimes too haphazardly.

Time=change. If we as individuals cease to change and transform inside, while our surroundings fail to cease outside of us, then shit hits the fan. Things fail to coalesce.
Change is a good thing for me; something I'm trying to embrace more and more of...even after all the (mis)adventures of Ukraine.
I guess that a fish is the perfect animal archetype for me. Fuck that trickster, the wolf. He's always causing problems.
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